Balloons that appeared over Ukraine are allegedly used by Russia for surveillance. This was stated by the representative of the command of the country’s air force Yuri Ignat.
“Probably these are balloons with corner reflectors, which we talked about recently. Ukrainian air defense radar observes targets that move in air currents at low speed,” said Yuriy Ignat. His words are quoted by the publication “Ukrainian Truth”. He noted that Russia allegedly uses such balls for reconnaissance and diverting Ukrainian air defense.
In February, a Chinese balloon flew over the United States. It was intended for collecting weather data. The probe flew over several military bases, which caused concern among the US leadership. The air object was not shot down for several days. Analysts noted that the penetration of a foreign air object into the United States undermined the reputation of the administration of US President Joe Biden, reports RT . A few days later, on February 5, the US shot down a Chinese balloon.
source: ura