Henrik Hololei, director of the EU Transport Department, made 9 trips to Qatar, reimbursed by the emirate itself. The EU has opened an investigation against him

The circle around the European Commission, which has long been at the center of the scandal known as Qatargate, and which ultimately also included  Henrik Hololei , the director general of the transposition department of the European Union, is increasingly tightening. His case for now does not seem to be strictly connected to the Qatargate issue , but it would still speak of an alleged case of conflict of interest, which would once again concern Qatar.

 Henrik Hololei, director of the EU transport department (Twitter)

Secondo quanto aveva scoperto e raccontato in esclusiva qualche settimana fa Politico, Henrik Hololei aveva presto parto ad almeno nove viaggi ufficiali in Qatar. Tutti avvenuti tra il 2015 e il 2021, furono interamente rimborsati in parte dallo stesso governo di Doha, e in parte dalla compagnia aerea nazionale, la Qatar Airways. Non è chiaro il motivo di nessuna di queste visite, forse anche per via di obblighi alla segretezza, ma la vicenda avrebbe aperto le porte alla scoperta sulle procedure contro i conflitti di interesse. Fu, infatti, lo stesso Henrik Hololei ad autorizzare i suoi viaggi in quanto diplomatici, ma seguendo lo stesso regolamento europeo che prevedeva questa possibilità.

Officials call for Henrik Hololei to resign

After the scandal surrounding  Henrik Hololei , an official and director of the EU Transport Department, the Commission immediately proceeded to put a patch on it. The regulations, in fact, envisaged that it was the top manager of a department who assessed whether there was a possible conflict of interest in a trip outside the Union, or in participation in a specific diplomatic mission.

Henrik Hololei, therefore, as manager of Transport, assessed not to have conflicts, actually taking part in the trips. The Union has now eliminated this possibility, providing for the consultation of the relevant cabinet and commissioners. Furthermore, officials can no longer claim reimbursement for travel from outside the EU, the UN, the G7 and the G20 . At the same time, an investigation was opened against the Director General of Transport. However, Politico recounts once again, some European officials (who prefer anonymity) are allegedly asking for the resignation of Henrik Hololei , or that he be at least relocated to a function other than transport, or suspended even only for the time necessary to complete the investigation .

Source: Ilsussidiario

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