In a heartwarming display of kindness, a group of dedicated volunteers from Mississippi drove up to Jackson’s Hub Club to help with some remodeling.
Hub Club Director Johnny Dodd expressed deep gratitude for the support received from the Meadowview Baptist Church.
“We got a church all the way from Starkville, Mississippi coming to the Hub Club wanting to bless our youth. They are putting a floor down in one of our rooms, our game room. It’s a blessing that they were willing to drive three hours just to come and bless our kids and give back to the community,” Dodd said.
The church exemplifies the true spirit of volunteering and highlights a significant impact that actions can have on the lives of those they touch.
“We are just giving back to the community. Community does not have to be where we live. Community is all over where God’s needs are. We met Johnny and the Hub Club while we were at FUGE Camp here in Jackson, Tennessee at Union University. Got to make friends with Johnny and the staff, and just fell in love with the kids,” said Brian Linder, the Interim Associate Pastor at Meadowview.
The Hub Club is an organization that has an after school summer program that is everyday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. They have youth from ages six through 15.
“We do a lot of positive things with our youth. Not only fun things but educational programs. We include Jesus in our part. We do not shy away from blessing God and giving God what he deserves, so we always incorporate that daily,” Linder said.
Lindner says that the church will continue to help the Hub Club and wants to see their ultimate goal become a reality.
That goal is to become not only just a summer camp for kids, but a full-time operation year round for kids.
Source : Wbbjtv